Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

What is HAI project?

It is the first hybrid artificial intelligence that combines three crucial sectors 
that govern the economy of our environment, even though we can not see it 
so clearly. 
The main goal of HAI is to give the opportunity to small business 
owners to compete with large companies with millions of dollars 
destined for market research and marketing, have the opportunity to do 
profitable business and finally to protect themselves and their business 
from criminals from all over the world. 
Creating a powerful Hybrid-AI combined with an eco-friendly 
infrastructure, there are no limits, which offer the possibility to
operate this HAI system by using blockchain technology 
(ERC20 tokens & Smart Contracts) all users with HAI tokens will be able 
to benefit from the project. 

A traditional AI system is very expensive and not available to normal users, with HAI the game 
changes, a cheap and powerful AI that is able to: 

1- Market forecast 
To have a successful trading experience, many hours or even days of 
research is needed to decide when a trade is to be done, normal people do not 
then you have not the time. 

HAI does the hard work, so you can spend time doing what you really like, but like
you are deeply involved in the market research HAI can help you make better decisions, 1 HAI 
and 1 brain are better than just a brain. 

2- Threat Hunt 
Attackers become smarter and improve the complexity of their resources, 
it will be HAI the one you are going to protect and even your business 
these criminals, using threat hunting, malware analysis and behavioral analysis 

3- Decision-making 
Business Intelligence can help small businesses increase their sales by offering a strong 
analysis of possible scenarios, market research and product development. 
Just because we do not start with tons of sources does not mean that we can not
Compete against larger competitors, HAI offers a cheap research and decide to create 
a helper platform for you and your ideas. 

Antecedents and scale of problems 
Artificial intelligence, a controversial topic that has raised many opinions about how bad it could be 
but within the scheme and the creation of new AI systems, the massive approval has increased 
The AI ​​is not the only emerging sector that needs more attention, IT security, finance and 
Business Intelligence grows too fast, but experts do not have enough man-power to participate, so 
help is needed. 
The technological growth in the past 3 years has been enormous, with companies that have come out of the market
nowhere and become leading giants, new services for the masses (content streaming, 
video games, etc.), infrastructure growth within internal networks and the creation of new 
hardware, all previous attacks are attacks for hackers who want to abuse them for 
any kind of personal advantage . 
Financial sector, as old as you would think everything is under control, is not it. The average person's 
dream is to be financially free; Most people think of making investments to get rich 
without sufficient research, so they tend to lose a lot of money. 
The newest sector, the biggest opportunity for small business owners and even titans in the
industry, a way to know exactly what your potential customers want, who they are, where possible 
you focus your attention and many other questions that a company makes before you can even 
answer product by studying massive information, known as Big Data but applied to 
what many entrepreneurs need Business Intelligence. 

Scope of the problems: 
The 3 sectors we choose to help with our AI software have similar problems and a correlation 
big enough for us to identify, they also have a similar solution, smart thinking in other words 
Artificial intelligence. 

Losses in private sectors by cyber criminals
Only in 2016, financial losses of up to 450 
billion dollars have been reported for cyber criminals , this not only has consequences for the financial sector, it even has consequences for you, data leaks, 
degraded critical services; you are not safe. 
There is a lack of security professionals who are trained to protect sensitive information and services, 
recent studies have shown that we have a shortage of at least 1,000,000 professionals, but we just do not have 
enough time, the hackers are already knocking a lot of doors. 
Artificial intelligence can become an ally for small or large companies or even normal users, 
detecting potential threats to protect systems against them.

Lack of opportunities for small business owners 
Market leaders have monopolized major markets and stolen customers from small business owners 
because they invest millions of dollars in market research and that must end once 
larger companies have gained control of a market, they tend to raising the prices only 
makes the 1% richer. 
Recent studies and common sense indicate that some of the largest companies have complete control of 
markets by holding related companies to block profits.

Inexpensive market research via a public AI system that gives an entrepreneur a chance 
against larger companies, an AI so powerful, enough to process information from all sorts of 
markets, this information enement this in a usable way to the end user. 
Financial education: 
To get constant profit on the financial market, research is a must, but not everyone 
the time of the ability to make good decisions on the basis of given information. 
Losing traders around the world are immeasurable, but they are huge, only in the US the 
current volume goes up to billions, do not you think losses are part of that volume? 

information: www.haiproject.com

My profile Link :  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1567105

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